Text Operations

React.jsNode.jsJSFramer Motion

Saturday, August 10, 2024

I built a text operations project using React and Framer Motion, which was actually my first React project ever. The main focus of the app was to perform various operations on text, like converting text to uppercase, lowercase, and removing extra spaces. It was a great way to get hands-on experience with state management in React, as I had to manage the text input and track the changes in real-time.

I also incorporated Framer Motion to add animations, making the transitions and interactions feel more dynamic. Even though I was new to React, it helped me understand core concepts like components, props, and hooks, especially how to efficiently handle user input and update the UI based on state changes.

Building this project was an exciting learning experience and introduced me to the power and flexibility of React. It also showed me how animations can really enhance user experience when combined with functional components.

In my text operations project, I also incorporated a dark mode feature using React. I handled this by toggling between light and dark themes based on user input, using state to manage the theme. It was a fun way to explore how easily React can handle dynamic styling and state updates.

Additionally, I added alert messages to notify users of actions like successful text transformations. By using React props and state, I was able to control when these alerts appeared, keeping the feedback responsive and tied to user interactions. This made the app more interactive and user-friendly, while also giving me more practice with React's state management and props system.

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